
Category: COVID

Total 169 Posts

Informed Consent

Tyson foods is now among the companies that have announced that they’re going to force employees to get vacksinated.  Because asking nicely didn’t seem to work. Tyson CEO Donnie King said, “We have spent months encouraging our team members to get vaccinated—today, under half of our team members are.” Tyson

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The Provincetown Cluster F$#!

In July, a bunch of people in Provincetown, Massachusetts tested “positive”.  It’s being called “The Provincetown Cluster”.  Around 74% of the people testing positive had been fully vacksinated. The number of people in the sample was less than a thousand, but it was still enough to send most everyone into

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Worried Sick

I’m really glad I haven’t been vacksinated.  Because I think if I did it would ruin my life.  OK.  Maybe ruin is a bit too strong word.  Or maybe it isn’t. Let me tell you what I’m thinking.  There are two types of people who would willingly allow themselves to

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There’s an injection that we’ve all heard of.  A lot of us get one every year.  The injection doesn’t make you immune to the disease it’s protecting you from, it just makes you less susceptible to having a bad case of it.  You may still get sick, just not as

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Faulty Assumptions

On July 21st, the CDC quietly published a “Lab Alert” detailing a change in their stance on COVID-19 testing.  Well, not actually COVID-19 testing, they changed their stance on SARS-CoV-2 testing.  And there’s a huge difference between the two. Why is this important?  I’ll tell you that after I tell

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I’m one of those people who doesn’t like to be just told what to do.  Don’t get me wrong.  I don’t mind doing things.  As long as the person trying to get me to do something has a valid argument, I can probably be convinced to do it. I haven’t

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The Customer is #4

Maybe I expect too much, but these days it seems that most people aren’t very good at doing their jobs.  More often than not, when I reach out to a company for help, I have a crappy experience.  It used to be that if an employee wasn’t doing his or

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The Truth About Breakthrough Cases

We’ve been hearing a lot about “breakthrough cases” recently.  A “breakthrough” case is someone who has been fully vacksinated against COVID and still contracts the disease.  No big shocker there. Why is that news?  That’s how it’s supposed to work. By calling them “breakthrough cases”, it implies that this is

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The Meme Database

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (aka VAERS) is touted as the “gold standard” for tracking vaccine side effects.  And it’s a piece of crap. Anyone, and I mean anyone, can enter data into the VAERS database.  You can do it, I can do it, and a room full of

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