
Category: Glibtaq

Total 53 Posts

Indecent Exposure

If there’s one thing I don’t understand, it’s nipples.  Oh, I know what they are, and I know what they’re for.  But what I don’t understand are the rules that pertain to whether or not women can display them in public. There was a post that was recirculated a week

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A Friend of Roy

Two and a half years ago, I coined the term “glibtaq” (pronounced glib-tack).  Glibtaq is simply an anagram of the term LGBTQIA.  My reasoning for needing a new term was that they kept adding letters, seemingly at random, and expecting everyone to play along.  And that’s just not a sustainable

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My Own Worst Enemy

I realized the other day that I’m my own worst enemy.  I’m not alone.  You’re probably your own worst enemy too. The reason is that our political system has no real process for airing grievances.  Well.  OK.  We can air grievances, but there’s no simple process for undoing something stupid

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At Least One

How many women have to die before men are banned from competing against them in sports?  I’m serious.  How many women must die before this radical desire for inclusivity ends? Let’s see if we can figure out what that number is. Without a doubt, a woman is going to die

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Shorts #7

I had two recent experiences I think are worth mentioning.  Here’s the first: As I do about every couple of years, last week I strained my back.  Typically, my chiropractor can fix me right up.  But for reasons I won’t go into here, this time I had to look for

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Medically Unnecessary

A few weeks back, I told you about my left knee.  It’s wearing out.  When I was young and immortal, no one told me that I had a limited number of knee bends and straightens.  After running a couple thousand miles when I was much younger and riding my bike

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The Gender Argument

Whenever we try to push back on the ridiculous notion of a “trans” person, and say that no one can change their gender, we’re told that we’re simply confused.  We’re told that the terms sex and gender have nothing to do with each other.  And that whether someone is a

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Surgery On Demand

After my heart attack in 2021, I was told that I should start paying attention to my blood pressure.  Up until that point, my blood pressure had always been fine.  But I decided to take their advice and invest in a BP monitor. What nobody told me was that blood

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Universally Absurd

Have you ever heard the phrase, “In what universe does that make sense?”  It’s usually used to refer to something so outrageous that it couldn’t possibly be true.  Here are two things that shouldn’t make sense to anyone in this universe, but apparently do.  At least to some people. Guaranteed

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