Anybody with a lick of sense can easily see that Joe Biden has lost his mind. And not in the amusing “drunk uncle” sort of way. Nope, he’s lost his mind in the “that bitch be crazy” way. And yet he’s the “leader” of the free world. Nancy Pelosi, Lori
Category: Politics
Earlier this week, I was standing in line outside waiting to take my dog to the vet (ironically, it was to get her vaccinated). There were 17 people in line, and I was the only one not wearing a mask. Being the way I am, I couldn’t help but think
Let’s start with a pop quiz: According to Congress, which of these two groups of people are more deserving of the Congressional Gold Medal? The firefighters who ran up the twin towers on 9/11 in an unselfish attempt to rescue others. The police who directed people into the Capitol building
Have you ever run into a situation where your current religion doesn’t go quite far enough? Maybe you’ve found yourself facing things your existing religion doesn’t cover. Or, perhaps you wish that you had just a little more religion, in case the unexpected happens. If you’re one of the tens
You probably don’t remember, but there’s a high-speed rail project being built here in California. And you’re helping to pay for it. The bullet train is/was supposed to eventually connect Los Angeles to San Francisco by way of the Central Valley. For those of you not familiar with California geography,
It’s hard to believe that this is my 300th post. I wrote my first article just over a year ago, June 6th, 2020 to be precise. I started writing because I got tired of seeing so much Liberal propaganda, lies and “fact checking” on social media, and very few people
About 20 years ago, I was working at a small, growing company that had just passed the 100-employee mark. At a dinner to celebrate the event, one of the board members remarked, “Well, now you have one of everything.” I gave him an inquisitive look, so he continued, “With 100
I paid $4.25 per gallon for mid-range gasoline today. It’s about a buck more per gallon than I was paying at the start of the year. That’s a 30% increase in just a few months. Dog food, that not long ago I used to get for $1.25 per can, is
Have you ever noticed how sometimes your brain makes you see things that aren’t really there? You know, you’ll get a quick glance at something and then your brain fills in the missing parts. Sometimes what you actually did see isn’t even close to what you thought you saw. Other
I’m going to tell you exactly what’s going to happen after the 2020 election audit is completed in Maricopa County, AZ. Absolutely nothing. Regardless of the outcome of the audit in Arizona or any other place votes are being scrutinized, nothing is going to change. Well, that’s not entirely true.