
Category: Politics

Total 411 Posts

Terminal TDS

Sometimes I hate it when I’m right.  Which is a problem because I’m right a lot.  From time to time, I’ve made references to people who get all their news from CNN and MSNBC.  These are people who still believe that the mainstream media is fair, impartial and without bias.

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Cheap Fakes

You may have seen the recent video of Biden at a fundraiser in Hollywood.  He, Jimmy Kimmel and Barack Obama were onstage at the end of the show.  Jimmy and Obama were smiling and waving to the audience while Joe was standing there like a deer caught in the headlights.

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Stay In Your Lane

When you’re deciding who to vote for in an election of your mayor, city council, or other local governments, what qualifications do you look for? Do you look for a candidate who has a firm grasp on the global geo-political picture?  Of course you don’t.  If you’re searching for a

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Dumb and Dumber

Did you ever think that you’d miss Jen Psaki?  You remember Jen Psaki.  She’s the Raggedy-Ann look alike former White House Press Secretary Biden had on his staff until May of 2022. At the time, we all thought she was the worst White House Press Secretary we had ever seen. 

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Their Words, Not Mine

The First Amendment is a powerful thing.  It defines our right to say whatever the heck we want.  In the United States, no government can stop anyone from speaking their mind. But can it also protect you from someone forcing you to say specific things?  No.  Not yet anyway. A

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Hate the Player

A couple weeks ago, I saw a post on Nextdoor made by a young teenage girl.   She wanted to warn people that there were men cruising the bus stop near the mall trying to entice girls into their car. The post was mostly met with support for the girl for

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Title Nein!

Late last year, I asked the question, “How many women have to die before men are banned from competing in women’s sports?”  Of course, the answer should be “zero.” I asked that question because of the increasing number of instances where girls are being seriously injured after being forced to

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Remember back a few decades ago when the term “homophobia” came to be?  Back in 1965, a guy named George Weinberg coined the term after he observed that some people are uncomfortable with the notion of homosexuality.  Other people glommed on to the word and said that people were probably

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One Too Many

Every week or so, my wife will tell me about an article she’s read or a video she’s seen that completely boggles my mind.   It’s not the topic that surprises me, because we see ridiculous things happening every day.  What astounds me is that anyone could possibly believe that whatever

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Blowing Sunshine

I realized recently that I don’t trust anyone.  No matter what I hear from anybody, I always approach it with skepticism.  I thought at first that it’s just because I’m getting older and cynical.  While that may be true, I think the real reason I don’t trust anyone is because

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