
Category: Politics

Total 412 Posts

Rewriting the 2nd Amendment

Many people misinterpret the 2nd amendment.  It’s not about preserving my ability to hunt for food.  And, it’s not about preserving my right to protect me from you (though that’s an added benefit).  The 2nd amendment is about preserving our right to protect us from a corrupt government.  I’m going

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The Woke Skies

OK.  Perhaps I see things differently than most people.  But when I fly, I’m more interested in having the best pilot possible than I am in having diversity in the cockpit.  Wait, that doesn’t sound very woke, I shouldn’t say “cockpit”.  Let me try again. When I fly, I am

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Phone Spam and Voter ID

Yesterday I experienced one of those rare occurrences when my phone actually rang.  I call it a rare occurrence because I seldom use my “phone” as an actual phone.  And while I’m explaining, I should probably admit that “rang” isn’t quite the right word either because my phone doesn’t ring. 

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I was watching a TV show not too long ago about things that happened in the 90’s.  The teaser before the commercial indicated they were going to talk about the bombing at the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta after the break.  I turned to my wife and said, “What was that

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I Agree With Lester Holt

I agree with Lester Holt.  No, not about his “fairness is overrated” comment.  His attempt to use logic that uses a “the sun sets in the west” analogy to justify that two sides of an argument shouldn’t be given equal merit is ridiculous.  I’m referring to something else he said.

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The Star of COVID

It’s problem-solving day again.  Time to find a solution for something that needs one.  Today’s topic: Identifying people who haven’t been vaccinated.  Let me start out by saying that I believe there’s nothing worse than someone who chooses not to be injected with an experimental drug.  Who are they to

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Committed to the Bit

When I saw the news of France’s third lockdown, my immediate reaction was, “Wow!  That’s some strong commitment to the bit.” Here’s what I mean: The term “bit” typically refers to a comic routine, AKA “bit”.  A bit is essentially a reality that comics use to paint a picture for

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Disrupting Illegal Immigration

The way we handle illegal immigration has a problem. OK. It has lots of problems, but I’m going to focus on one. The problem is that it unfairly puts the burden for paying for illegal immigration on people who don’t believe there should be any illegal immigration in the first

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A Diverse Set of Targets

The United States Special Operations Command has hired its first “Chief of Diversity and Inclusion”.  Really.  No, really.  We are actually paying someone to think of ways to make the United States special forces more inclusive and diverse. I am not making this up.  It seems the radical woke believe

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