The old joke is that the term “government intelligence” is an oxymoron and that there is no such thing as an intelligent government. No place is that better demonstrated than by looking at the government’s response to the COVID-19 “crisis”. I’m not going to talk about whether or not the
Category: Politics
The primary job of the government of the United States should be to protect the citizens of the United States. When there is a choice between protecting a citizen vs. protecting someone who is not a citizen, the citizen should win every single time. Our southern border is being invaded.
There’s a lake in Massachusetts referred to by the locals as “Lake Webster”. But, it’s real name is “Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg”. It might be the longest place name in the United States and is definitely one of the longest in the world. I know you’re going to try so here’s a
Now you can listen to this on The PonkaBlog Podcast! The national debt of the United States is just under $30 trillion. But let’s go ahead and call it an even $30 trillion. Because it will get there soon enough. Let me say that again. The United States owes individuals,
We’ve all seen, and sometimes felt, the effects of the “cancel culture”. Just over the past few weeks there have been attacks on Mr. Potato Head, Dr. Seuss, Aunt Jemima and now Pepé Le Pew. Increasingly ridiculous examples of things that are somehow offensive to someone appear almost daily. And
If I’m watching the news and I see a report where a ferry sunk somewhere on the other side of the world, do you know what I feel? Nothing. That’s right. Hundreds of people may have died, and I wouldn’t even care. In fact, unless they died of some reason
There was a sitcom in the 1960’s called “Hogan’s Heroes”. It was set in a Nazi German POW camp. Yes, I said sitcom and I said POW camp. The show ran for 168 episodes and is a good reminder that there was a time when Americans were allowed to find
One of the few good things that came out of the ridiculous COVID lockdowns is that it opened my eyes to how incredibly poor television has become. When I watch TV, I do so to be amused, not taught or preached at. I don’t want to learn a lesson and
Let me tell you something. I’m really glad that my job isn’t writing satire. Satire sites like The Onion and The Babylon Bee poke fun at current events by creating outlandish and absurd scenarios based on what’s really going on. Sometimes the point is to entertain but oftentimes they’re trying
We all have images that we immediately see in our mind’s eye when we think of something. When I think of racism, the image that I see in my mind is of a young Geordi La Forge bound in chains. The sound I hear is the screams of a slave