Late last summer, I jokingly told my dad that the virus would magically disappear on November 4th because that was the day after the election. Looking back, I can see I was a bit naïve. The magic date wasn’t November 4th, it was January 20th. You see, if the virus
Category: Politics
Back in August, I challenged “friends” who proclaimed to be Democrats to tell me why on earth they would vote for Joe Biden. I asked them to tell me what, specifically, about his policies they believed would make him the best candidate for President of the United States. I sincerely
I’m about to say something that’s likely to trigger a lot of people: Boys and girls are not the same. There. I said it. It doesn’t seem like that should be controversial, but apparently it is. Let’s continue. If you stood a boy and a girl side-by-side and asked anyone
I can predict the future. It’s not difficult and nearly everyone can do it. Hell, my dog can even do it. If you’ve ever caught something tossed your way, then you’ve predicted the future too. Allow me to explain. Now, some people couldn’t catch a ball if their life depended
Now that the inauguration is behind us, the Left is crying loudly for unity. But, as we all know, talk is cheap. It’s actions that matter. And, it appears to me that our new leaders have no idea how to actually unify us. So, I’m going to help them. Think
I learned a new word last week and it has quickly climbed the ranks to be my most favorite word. That word is “bescumber”. It’s a wonderful word. I like the way it sounds. Say it with me…bescumber. Having grown up on a dairy farm, I bescumbered for years and
Apparently, the unofficial slogan in Ventura County California is “We’re not the San Fernando Valley”. It can’t be widely known because I’ve lived here for over 10 years and have never heard of it before today. I also learned today that somehow the unofficial slogan is racist. It seems that
The claim is that Big Tech is blocking accounts and censoring content to stop violence. I don’t see how that could possibly be true. It doesn’t make any sense. If stopping violence was their motivation, they would have blocked accounts of ANTIFA and BLM months ago. Everyone knows that Trump
I used to play Scrabble with my mom. We lived in different states so we played together online. Over the years we played dozens of games against each other. And it was hard. I lost nearly every time. Either my mom was pretty good at playing Scrabble or she cheated.
I rarely interact with Liberals on social media. I’d like to say I never do, but every once in a while, I see something so ridiculous, or logic so flawed, that I can’t help myself. So, I respond. And it’s never (yes, I can use that word here) a pleasant