
Category: Politics

Total 412 Posts

Baghdad Bob, Debunking and the Georgia Senate Hearings

Back during Gulf War, the Iraqi information minister was Mohammed Saeed al-Sharif.  He was better known to Americans as “Baghdad Bob”.  Bob seemed disconnected from reality and made increasingly outrageous claims that defied what we were able to see with our own eyes.  For example, we could clearly see television

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Of Local Interest

I live near Los Angeles.  Oftentimes our local news will cover a story of national interest, primarily because Hollywood is here, and those stories are actually of local interest too. Since the election, there has been over a thousand people swearing affidavits that they witnessed or experienced election fraud.  At

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The Problem With Hate Crimes

I think hate crimes are racist.  Or at the very least, discriminatory.  I’m not talking about the actual crime committed, I’m talking about the classification of a crime as a hate crime. Imagine there are two people out for a stroll one evening.  Both are walking down the street, and

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Step 2

To be inaugurated as President, Biden needs to do two things: Get elected. Stay elected. In late October, Joe Biden said, “I don’t need you to get me elected.  I need you once I am elected.” What the hell? Just a few days prior to that, Biden said, “We have

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Black Lives Mattered

According to FatalEncounters.org, there have been 23 black men and 1 black woman killed during encounters with law enforcement since election day.  I realize I’ve been paying a lot of attention to the whole election fraud thing, but I can’t believe I completely missed seeing all of those riots. In

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Trapped in a Bubble

I was looking at my Facebook feed yesterday and noticed that someone had posted a link to an MSNBC video titled, “How Do You Govern When Half The Country Is Trapped In A Disinformation Bubble?”  I agree with the title.  But not the content of the video.  The video claimed

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“Baseless” Claims of Election Fraud

Maybe I don’t understand what the word “baseless” means.  Hang on while I take a quick look.  Here’s what Collins Dictionary has to say: “If you describe an accusation, rumor, or report as baseless, you mean that it is not true and is not based on facts.” Yup.  That’s what

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Segregation 2020

Segregation is alive and well in the year 2020.  But this time it’s not race that’s separating us, it’s ideas. And this time we’re doing it voluntarily. I’ve tried to have conversations with Liberals.  It’s not fun.  In fact, it’s quite painful.  I like a good argument as much as

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Sanity Check

I’ve mentioned several times that I’m only about 97% sure of anything, and that my mind can be changed using the right argument.  So, every once in a while, I like to question something that I believe.  It’s not that I doubt myself, it’s just that I want to make

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