
Category: Politics

Total 412 Posts

Too Big to Fail

A large portion of the news media has claimed that Joe Biden has won the election.  They now refer to him as the “president-elect”.  But that isn’t true.  There is no president-elect.  Not yet anyway. The media is leaving out a very important word when describing Joe Biden.  That word

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The News Media and the Bear

If you’re out hiking and you come across a bear, do you assume that it’s dangerous or do you assume that the bear is friendly until it proves otherwise?  You’re obviously going to assume it’s dangerous.  There are numerous examples of hikers being killed by bears so clearly the potential

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Open Kimono

This is going to sound strange because I’m talking about the election but let’s take some of the politics out of the conversation for a bit.  It’s really easy to define a fair election process.  Put simply, in a fair election, all valid votes will be counted.  But only valid

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Election Flawed

Voter fraud is all well and good, if you want to impact an election in a small way.  But, if you want to steal an election, you’re going to have to commit election fraud.  Voter fraud committed on a huge scale is election fraud.  But, to be successful, you need

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Unacceptable Behavior

When I was a little kid, I had two brothers and three sisters.  One of us, I can’t remember which, had received as a gift one of those paddle thingies with the elastic band and a rubber ball attached.  The life expectancy that toy wasn’t great, so the ball was

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Dark Soul

I recently saw/noticed the sign on the front of Joe Biden’s podium.  The sign said, “BATTLE for the SOUL of the NATION”. It struck me odd that the Biden campaign would have the audacity to put the focus on the word “soul”.  Whoever approved the use of that slogan should

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Ignorance vs. Stupidity

I commented on a post a couple of weeks ago and told someone they were ignorant.  She immediately took offense and said I was calling her a name.  But I wasn’t.  If I had said she was stupid, then she’d have been correct.  But I didn’t.   I said she was

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Fact Checking is “Mostly False”

This week, the media claimed that Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) said that fact-checking is a form of censorship. Here’s what he said: “When I use the word ‘censor’ here, I’m meaning blocked content, fact check, or labeled content, or demonetized websites of conservative, Republican, or pro-life individuals or groups or

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Enough Gullible People

If you’re still someone who doesn’t believe that the media is in collusion with the Biden campaign, you need to only look at the news this morning to be convinced otherwise.  Oh wait, that’s not true at all.  Because the mainstream media isn’t covering what is potentially the biggest political

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