
Category: Politics

Total 412 Posts

Voter Fraud

A few weeks ago, someone posted that “there is absolutely no fraud when voting by mail”. Curious. Any time someone claims an absolute number, zero in this case, I tend to be a bit skeptical. So, I politely asked, “If there was mail fraud, how would you detect it?” The

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Patient’s Choice

I like things to make sense. I’m usually able to see the reason behind actions that people take. Not so much these days. This whole COVID-19 thing involves too many things that just don’t make sense to me. Take, for example, the drug hydroxychloroquine. It has become one of the

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Louie Gohmert

Representative Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) tested positive for COVID-19, he said today (July 30th). On the advice of his doctor, he plans on starting a regimen of hydroxychloroquine, zinc and azithromycin. Texas is one of the states that doesn’t allow prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine to be filled if the intended purpose is

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Frontline Doctors

You might have seen a video going around recently showing representatives of a group called “America’s Frontline Doctors” giving a news conference on the steps of the Supreme Court building. Or maybe you haven’t. Because the extremely-viral video, viewed over 17 million times in 8 hours, has been removed from

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Useful Idiot

There’s a term I really like. That term is “useful idiot”. According to Webster, a useful idiot is a naïve person who can be manipulated or exploited to advance a cause or political agenda. In the 1957 book “Planned Chaos”, the author writes that the term “useful innocents” was used

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“Mostly Peaceful” Protests

I understand that people have the right to protest. The first amendment to the Constitution guarantees “the right of the people to peaceably assemble”. That’s pretty clear. I’ve heard people say that the looting, rioting and mayhem being perpetrated by the BLM protesters is a valid form of protest. Their

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I’m sure that by now you’ve wondered why some of the rules and requirements put in place to prevent the spread of the virus seem a bit arbitrary and, in some cases, downright ridiculous. Here’s the secret that they don’t want you to know. The people making these rules don’t

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I heard someone say the other day “If you see someone wearing a hat or tee-shirt displaying the American flag, they are more likely than not going to vote Republican”. Huh. I hadn’t considered that before. So I did. While it is impossible to prove his assertion, I can say

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Admitting Mistakes

I tend to think that all politicians are at least a little bit corrupt. Most don’t start out that way but the instant they win their election, the switch gets flipped and they immediately start thinking about getting reelected again. So, regardless of the issue they face, their decision is

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Abandoning BLM

I’ve been trying to figure out why the Black Lives Matter movement hasn’t been abandoned by, well, everyone. The movement started on the indefensible notion that police brutality is rampant in the U.S., specifically against black men. The data simply doesn’t not back this up. I have not seen a

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