
Category: Social Media

Total 71 Posts

Really Deep Fakes

I have a Twitter account.  I never use it, but I have one.  And about once a week or so, I receive an email from Twitter telling me about things they think I should know about.  A couple of articles ago, I talked about how there was a tweet saying,

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The Biden Challenge

Back before the 2020 election, I posed a challenge to the people I’m connected to on Facebook (calling some of them “friends” would be a stretch).  The challenge was for Biden supporters.  I asked them to pick a single thing from Biden’s platform and tell me why they thought it

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Corrective Lenses

If I were born in the fourteenth century, I’d have died a long time ago.  Wait, that didn’t come out right.  Let me rephrase.  If I had lived in the fourteenth century, I wouldn’t have lived as long as I have.  Ah.  Much better. You see, I have really poor

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Stone Cold Lies

You can also listen to this article on The PonkaBlog Podcast! From time to time, when I’m buying groceries, the cashier will say something like this, “would you like to donate $5.00 for cancer?”  My answer is always the same.  “No.  Because I’m not a fan of cancer.  So why

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Not Better Left Unsaid

You can also listen to this article on The PonkaBlog Podcast! Did you know that this week is National Free Speech Week?  It is.  And, since my freedom of speech allows me to talk about whatever I want, I’m going to talk about censorship. I was emailing yesterday with one

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Fake Checking

You can also listen to this article on The PonkaBlog Podcast! Over the course of my life, I’ve worked for a number of startup companies.  The thing about startups is that they’re almost always looking for money.  After an especially brutal investor pitch, we were told that the reason we

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Strike One

Now you can listen to this article on The PonkaBlog Podcast! A couple of days ago, I told you how YouTube gave me a warning and censored the very first post I made on their site.  They claimed I was spreading misinformation and contradicted what the World Health Organization or

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A Strike Against Free Speech

Now you can listen to this article on The PonkaBlog Podcast! The good thing about having your own platform is that you can say whatever you want, and you don’t have worry about being censored.  The bad thing about having your own platform is that it’s really hard to get

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Uncaringly Ignorant

Over the past few months, I’ve had many conversations that go something like this: Other Person: “I’m going to get vacksinated” Me: “Aren’t you worried about the side effects?” Other Person: “What side effects?” Then we talk a bit and I tell them about the eleven-plus thousand Americans (and counting)

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Worse Than a Nosy Neighbor

In 2019, the FBI released a document telling people how they can identify violent extremists.  It’s actually a pretty good list.  If I were someone who needed the government to tell me what to look for, I’d probably use the list.  But, since I have an abundance of common sense,

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