
Category: Social Media

Total 71 Posts

Object Stupidity

I belong to a 3D printing group on one of the social media platforms.  OK, it’s on Facebook.  The group is essentially a “brag” page where people post pictures of 3D objects they’ve printed.  Everyone else in the group “likes” their post and tells them what an awesome job they

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De-Platforming the Truth

I’d be willing to bet that a good number of you have been censored by Facebook.  You’ve might have had a “fact check” warning placed on your posts or maybe even put in Facebook jail for a while.  Just for saying something they didn’t like. On February 8th, Facebook announced

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Misremembering George Floyd

I watched a press conference with Nancy Pelosi this morning.  She was posing with the Congressional Black Caucus shortly after the verdict was read in the Derek Chauvin trial. Speaking about George Floyd, she said, “His name is synonymous with justice, dignity and grace and service.”  Are we talking about

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A Good Guy With a Gun

Now you can listen to this on The PonkaBlog Podcast! One of the most important rules of personal protection, if not the most important, is to be aware of your surroundings at all times.  That means that you should “keep your head on a swivel” which means constantly looking at

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Necessarily Offensive

I was working at a small company many years ago.  We were looking for investors and found someone who was willing to give us some money.  The problem was that we needed the signature of one of the company’s original founders (let’s call him “Bob”) to make it happen. Unfortunately,

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Facts Aren’t Racist

Yesterday, I described a commercial I had seen that featured a large black woman.  More specifically, I described her as “a rather large black woman”.  I posted it on one of the Big Media platforms and someone commented saying, “Sounds like it was written by a racist.  Why does it

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An Uninformed Electorate

I know we don’t agree on much these days, but we should be able to agree on this:  Only informed people can make informed decisions.  If you’re working with false or misleading information, you can’t possibly have everything you need to make a good decision. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC),

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