
Category: Social Media

Total 71 Posts

The Grand Delusion

It seems that every issue in the country today is black and white with no room in the middle for compromise.  Here are some examples: All Lives Matter.  Black Lives Matter. The election was stolen.  The election was fair. Biden is losing his mind.  Biden will be an excellent president.

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Blind Faith

Let me see a show of hands…how many of you reading this were at child at one point or another in your life?  Hold them high…good…1,2,3…OK.  That looks like just about everyone. I want you to remember back to a conversation I’m sure we all had with our parents at

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This year we’ve seen multiple huge things happen this year that, in a typical year, would be the story of the decade.  Looking at the last 12 months, it’s difficult to wrap my head around everything because the enormity of what’s happening is inconceivable. It’s inconceivable that so many people

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Of Local Interest

I live near Los Angeles.  Oftentimes our local news will cover a story of national interest, primarily because Hollywood is here, and those stories are actually of local interest too. Since the election, there has been over a thousand people swearing affidavits that they witnessed or experienced election fraud.  At

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Segregation 2020

Segregation is alive and well in the year 2020.  But this time it’s not race that’s separating us, it’s ideas. And this time we’re doing it voluntarily. I’ve tried to have conversations with Liberals.  It’s not fun.  In fact, it’s quite painful.  I like a good argument as much as

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Big Tech Censorship

Imagine if you used your Gmail account to send an email to your grandma describing the damage to your neighborhood caused by “mostly-peaceful protesters”.  Imagine further that Google added a disclaimer to your email that said your message may contain inaccurate or misleading information. Now, let’s say you send a

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I walk my dog every morning.  I guess it would be more accurate to say that my dog walks me. Just about every morning, we pass a woman walking her small dog.  That dog goes crazy when we walk by and creates this shrill, fingernails-on-the-chalkboard sound that makes my skin

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