There’s an old saying that “ignorance is bliss”. What it typically means is that the less you know, the happier you are. But today, it takes on an entirely different meaning. As the 2020 elections rapidly approach, the less you know, the happier the Biden campaign is. Joe Biden’s campaign
Category: Social Media
According to Arthur C. Clarke’s Third Law, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” You’ve probably heard that before. If not, it’s worth thinking about for a bit. Things that we take for granted today would have been considered magic just a few hundred years ago. Flashlights, disposable lighters,
There’s a meme that took off after the Vice Presidential Debate earlier this week. It shows two “quotes”, one from each participant. Pence- “Trump and I trust the American people to make choices for themselves and their families. Harris and Biden want to mandate how you care for yourself“. Harris-
I’m going to start out by saying that I really hate the term “the new normal”. It implies a permanence to me that I’m not comfortable with. I’d be OK with “the new temporary normal” which indicates that things will eventually get back to where they belong. “The new temporary
Today, I debunk a post by BLM supporters.
I lost a friend today. Well, not exactly. I noticed today that someone had unfriended me on Facebook. I honestly don’t remember this person. For some reason years ago we had agreed to connect, and Facebook considered us to be “friends”. He also happens to be a Liberal. This “friend”
Today’s message is another Public Service Announcement. I’m going to give you some tools to help you effectively communicate on social media. If you’re the type of person who replies to posts just to troll or vent, then you’re not going to find this useful. But, if you want to
This is going to be less like my normal posts and more like a public service announcement. I’m sure at least some of you know all about this but I’d bet that not everyone does. Maybe this will be useful to at least a few other people. Recently, a friend
Hi everyone. I thought I’d share a reply to one of the posts I made recently. “I believe Mike is a victim of reflexive control and has locked himself into supporting a position to the point where he continues to look for alternative ways to continue doing so. This is
I’d like to start off with the important stuff. Someone clever started a “buy-cott” movement to counteract the boycott being organized against Goya Foods. Participation is easy, just buy $10 worth of Goya products and donate it to your local food bank. In one move you get to show your